Silence is golden - isn’t it?
In coaching sessions , clients often say to me “ I really wish I’d spoken up in that meeting” ( more than I hear them say ‘I wish I hadn’t spoken up!’ ). To say something or remain silent, is often a decision ‘in the moment’- leading to long musings after the event on 'when do I feel I can speak up’, and ‘when does it just not feel safe?’...

Facing my Demons
Over time in 1-1 work some common themes emerge: issues which provide challenge for many at all stages of their careers, irrespective of age or experience. One of these themes is facing into challenges or ‘demons’ which others present or our own internal self-limiting beliefs i.e. different types of ‘demon’. These demons can disable us from operating effectively and with confidence...

Finding Your Voice: How to Speak with Confidence and Clarity
Have you ever opened your mouth to speak in a meeting, during a presentation, or while delivering a speech, only to be met with a squeak, rasp, whisper, or worse, silence? You might have found yourself asking, “Where has my voice gone?”

The Powerful Gift of Quiet Candour
All of us live, like it or not, amid swirling currents of ambiguity. As we strive to understand and act as our truer selves. As we operate and try to add value in our work and organisations...

Why is your voice important?
I’ve been reflecting on life and work lately – I’ve had more time to think than I had before, and I am enjoying (mostly) trying to make sense of my relationship with work and a career in health and care and leadership...

Finding my Voice - Building my Confidence
We believe that for anyone looking to build confidence and find their voice, there will be something that resonates or helps unlock an aspect of oneself to benefit one’s own life and as importantly, those around us...