Finding my Voice - Building my Confidence 

No stranger to building confidence - When I met Peter Block for lunch in Cincinnati over twenty years ago I knew from when he picked me up and asked his first question that I was in for a terrifyingly good time. He was already a well published and respected author and sought after consultant, I was discovering my wings in terms of a globally responsible leadership initiative with EFMD and the UN and a UK collaborative leadership inquiry bringing together public, private and third sector leaders over sixteen months. I’d had ten years of facilitating a series of ground breaking year-long Oasis programmes on Leadership, Life and Learning - with an inside-out peer based learning approach, and a focus on developing the leader within. At the time it was radical (I believe it still is) and I continue to value being in touch with those who developed through its life. Amongst many aspects it helped develop grounded confidence and to hear and share one’s own voice. Yet I still nagging doubts and self-limiting beliefs about my voice on the page. 

Who is your voice for? - With Peter, one aspect we explored was my question about writing (I wanted to write more but something was holding me back) - I remember all his comments which helped me greatly, but one has resonated over the years - who are you writing for?  It was a question that in 2003 helped me find my voice, and today inspires us to create this blog series to help others find theirs. It helped me to recognise how it important it was to share my voice with those who wanted to hear it, or at least to begin with those I thought would want to hear it. Every book Peter wrote, he’d written with friends in mind, supporters, people wanting to hear and read what he had to share, those who would build on the work rather than seek to bring it down. If others found something too - great - and not to be put off by the voices of those who were going to be discouraging whatever he offered - it was not for them.  

Our Intentions - We are writing for those who are warm to the Oasis approach (one that values the whole of the person, is applicable in practice, that believes our lives and world call for us to continually learn and develop, that works with the person, the system and the relationship between, that for freedom and responsibility to live we embrace each other as co-creators and peers in an eco-system that calls for all voices to be heard).   

We are writing for those already engaged in the wider Oasis Community as clients, programme participants, partners, associates and friends, and for those in the spaces at the edges who come across our work from conversations, recommendations, or accidentally trip over us somewhere. We are writing for those who recognise that speaking up can reduce tragic failures and enhance our life and work. The writing is intended to stimulate, encourage and catalyse, and perhaps offer some first steps for the reader.  

An Introduction - We have now published two of the three 2024 series - Burnout, Career Development and now Finding your Voice - Building your Confidence.  

I have delighted in curating this series. I believe that for anyone looking to build confidence and find their voice, there will be something that resonates or helps unlock an aspect of oneself to benefit one’s own life and as importantly, those around us.  

Tomorrow we roll with the question ‘Why is your voice important’Matt Walsh brings his potent signature of creativity and grounded possibility to this question, as he does to his coaching, team and leader development work. Matt catalyses with meaningful and applied actions that make a difference. Matt sets a challenge and helps any reader recognise that in finding your voice everything is waiting for you.  

Our Blog #3 is from David Dawson, a brilliant and compassionate colleague in Oasis, with whom I have been enriched and deepened by any time we have together. His focus is on ‘Quiet Candour’. Jack Welsh famously said a lack of candour is ‘the biggest dirty little secret in business’. This goes beyond business and speaks today to many organisations post-covid who have yet to step out of a pandemic way of being, which can get in the way of real development and open dialogue - an absence that is at the heart of many errors and poor decision-making. David’s blog helps develop a candour culture and insights into the hows. 

Blog #4 is what I love to see in action - a creative collision of Oasis streams. Corinna Powlesland is as comfortable on the West End stage as in the 1-1 space. Some will know Corinna as being our co-lead on the impactful Speak to be Heard programme - described by one business leader as ‘the best training I have ever experienced’. In this guest blog Corinna moves us into the presentational aspect, with insights and exercises from theatre, performance and stagecraft. Corinna’s specialist coaching approach is highly sought after by those moving into leadership roles where their voice and presence makes a significant impact on ‘How to speak with clarity and confidence’. Performance Coaching resonates with our whole person approach and this blog brings aspects of this latest methodology to life.  

Charles Greenwood in Blog #5 brings practical and applied insights from his extensive individual and team coaching practice and helps us delve deeper into the forces that are at work that get in our way when it comes to feeling free to speak up. Blog #5 helps us in Facing our Demons, by naming what might be limiting us and considering nine strategies to help shift our relationship to our blocks and barriers, increasing the possibilities and choices that holding on to our power provides.  

In the final blog of the series we turn to Mary Millar, our go-to people specialist bringing all her wisdom from holding top executive roles and being a 1-1 coach for aspiring and seasoned leaders. Blog #6 ‘Silence is Golden - isn’t it?’ reflects a series of conversations between Mary and clients that highlight what has helped them build self-worth and find their voice. A great round up to bring this series to a close.  

Our final blog also features other resources that will support, stimulate and nurture confidence and help you to bring more presence and influence, so if you have any that have really helped you - let us know and we will share them too. 

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 Nick Ellerby

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Why is your voice important?


Career Coaching in Business – ensuring it’s worth the investment