Unleashing potential

In this Insight series we explore approaches to influencing career development. We all wonder ‘how do I achieve….?’, ‘what’s next for me?’, ‘how can I influence what’s happening for me?’ often these arise after a difficult work phase, a significant event, coming back from holiday or when a friend or colleague makes a career move.

This series aims to stimulate thinking, offer new perspectives or reinforce what might be fundamentals when it comes to shaping our work and life paths. Each blog delves deeper into overarching themes, with questions for consideration.

The insights and resources on these pages result from friends, colleagues and clients encouraging us to share more about the experiences of career development and how the Whole Person can be impacted.

Let us know if the resources help and what might be missing. If we can offer more, just let us know, but for now there are some insights and resources on career development below.

unleashing potential - a whole person path to career development bLOG

Whole person path to career development resources


A short blog about Whole Person Learning from Oasis Co-Director Marion Ragaliauskas.


An Oasis podcast with Claire Maxwell. In this episode, we explore what leadership looks like in uncertain times and what sort of qualities can help along the career development path.


Connect with us to find the right person if you are interested in career development or wondering where to go next. Contact us here