Future of my work – career development
Predication is extremely difficult. Especially about the future.
Niels Bohr
To find in ourselves what makes life worth living is a risky business, for it means that once we know it we must seek it. It also means that without it life will be valueless.
Marsha Sinetar
In this Insight series we explore approaches to influencing career development. We all wonder ‘how do I achieve….?’, ‘what’s next for me?’, ‘how can I influence what’s happening for me?’ often these arise after a difficult work phase, a significant event, coming back from holiday or when a friend or colleague makes a career move.
This series aims to stimulate thinking, offer new perspectives or reinforce what might be fundamentals when it comes to shaping our work and life paths. Each blog delves deeper into overarching themes, with questions for consideration.
‘Career’ carries diverse interpretations, from hopeful aspirations to skepticism about its feasibility in today’s world. Whatever the starting point, taking a breath and gently embracing career questions can be a very positive act that can lead to life-enhancing shifts in perspectives and approaches. Like going back to a film or a book for a second or third time time, we relate to new things and enjoy it in different ways. I might not even change my role, but just rekindling or renewing how I live into it can be transformational.
At Oasis, we are deeply interested in how individuals and organisations make sense of their environments and envision their futures. How work can be life enhancing for the whole person. Rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution, we focus on understanding your unique path, the questions you have, the wider context, and how to best support your journey.
As the world evolves, so do our perspectives on career development. Whether you’re ambitious for more responsibility and skills, aligning more with purpose, seeking a better life work balance, looking to broaden your experience, or seek more reward, it’s essential to stay attuned to societal changes, identify your own motivations, stay curious and adapt accordingly to ensure employability in an ever-changing landscape.
It’s likely if you are reading this you have a view or question about your own career or as an organisation doing the best you can to develop others for the future. We hope you find something to catalyse, stimulate or refresh.
Take a few moments to consider what are your questions. Given that writing something down, particularly an intention, increases significantly the chance of it happening, it might be worth capturing your thoughts, questions and any intentions.
Until next time, travel light and be well
The next Blog in this series focuses on Career Context, Options and Possibilities
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