Suddenly we can find ourselves waking up to a particular cycle or pattern in our lives. We might hear ourselves saying ’here I go again’, ‘I know what’s going to happen, and it’s not good’, or simply an overwhelming sense of the unwelcome familiar and the sinking feeling that accompanies it. At other times it takes question or comment from a friend, family member or colleague who has noticed something and is checking how we are.
Burnout can be one of those patterns, and it might be the first time we have noticed how utterly exhausted or disconnected we feel. It might be new to us, and as a result we can struggle to make sense of what’s going on. Even when we do make sense, we may not want to acknowledge what’s happening, even to ourselves. It can feel intensely lonely. And yet when we are able to acknowledge it, it is often a rapid discovery that ‘I am not alone’. In a meeting of Oasis practitioners late last year as we were exploring our most recent reflections on this are, it was a positive reminder just how many of us have experienced or are experiencing burnout.
The insights and resources on these pages result from friends, colleagues and clients encouraging us to share more about the experiences of burnout we encounter, how it differs from anxiety, stress and depression, and how the Whole Person can be impacted. We outline what might create the conditions for burnout, how to respond to it and what individuals and organisations can change to help move beyond what some refer to as the burnout crisis.
Let us know if the resources help and what might be missing. If we can offer more, just let us know, but for now there are some insights and resources on burnout below.

A short film with Jane Bytheway, Oasis Associate. Jane offers an overview of burnout, what it isn’t, what it is, its relationship to energy and how organisations can help.
An Oasis podcast with Oasis Associate Jane Senior. Managing energy levels to avoid burnout can make a big difference and Jane offers advice on how to think differently about your energy.
Our audio programme 7 Days of Finding your balance offers mindfulness exercises and time for you. Meditation and mindfulness have been shown to help manage stress and promote well-being.
A blog by Oasis Associate Mo Ford. Mo explores who is at risk of burnout, who is responsible and what can be done in the workplace and beyond to alleviate the impact of burnout.
Our RAW (Resilience, Adaptability & Wellbeing) – consultancy can help your organisation equip staff and managers to reduce the risks of burnout, address toxic or dysfunctional cultural tendencies, spot the signs of burnout and respond effectively. More here
Connect with us to find the right person if you are facing burnout or wondering how to reduce the risks of experiencing burnout again. Contact us here